Side Effects is an upcoming psychological thriller film directed by Steven Soderbergh from a screenplay written by Scott Z. Burns. The film stars Jude Law, Rooney Mara, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Channing Tatum. The film follows a young woman who experiments with prescription drugs as she waits for her husband's release from jail.
Jonathan Banks (Jude Law) is a successful psychiatrist who begins having sessions with Emily Taylor (Rooney Mara), a young married woman who is dealing with the jail release of her husband Martin (Channing Tatum). When Emily is reunited with Martin, Banks prescribes a drug called Ablixa to treat Emily's anxiety disorder. Soon after taking the drug, Emily awakens to find a dead body in her apartment, having murdered the person. Banks is then heavily criticized, investigated and questioned whether it was Emily's intention to murder the person, or if she is a victim of his medical treatment.
Directed by : Steven Soderbergh
Produced by : Lorenzo di Bonaventura,Gregory Jacobs,Scott Z. Burns
Written by : Scott Z. Burns
Starring : Jude Law,Rooney Mara,Catherine Zeta-Jones,Channing Tatum
Music by : Thomas Newman
Cinematography : Peter Andrews
Editing by : Mary Ann Bernard
Studio : Endgame Entertainment
Distributed by : Open Road Films
Release date(s) : February 8, 2013
Country : United States
Language : English
A provocative thriller about Emily and Martin (Rooney Mara and Channing Tatum), a successful New York couple whose world unravels when a new drug prescribed by Emily's psychiatrist (Jude Law) – intended to treat anxiety – has unexpected side effects.
Prior to the film's release, Side Effects has received universal acclaim from critics. As of January 30, 2013, the film currently holds a 100% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with the film given an average score of 7.8/10.Two reviews are listed on Metacritic as of January 2013; both of which are positive. Director Steven Soderbergh's work on the film was lauded by critics, who have called Soderbergh's effort on the film elegant, and called Soderbergh a connoisseur of the horror genre, comparing him to Robert Altman. Side Effects has been called absorbing,jazzy,and cunningly unpredictable.
Hirk Honeycutt of Honey Cutts Hollywood called the film a post-modern Hitchcock-thriller and praised the story matter, which she dubbed incredible.Playing for Keeps Cole Smithey gave Side Effects an A rating (5 stars out of 5), calling it "the first real film of 2013" and also compared the film to the work of Alfred Hitchcock.
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