The Croods is a 2013 American 3D computer-animated adventure comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. It features the voices of Nicolas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone, Catherine Keener, Clark Duke, and Cloris Leachman. The film is set in the prehistoric era, when a man's position as a "Leader of the Hunt" is threatened by the arrival of a prehistoric genius who comes up with revolutionary new inventions like fire.
The Croods is being written and directed by Kirk DeMicco and Chris Sanders, and produced by Kristine Belson and Jane Hartwell. It is set to be released in theaters on March 22, 2013. As part of the distribution deal, this will be the first film from DreamWorks Animation to be distributed by 20th Century Fox, since the departure of Paramount Pictures in 2012.
Directed by:Kirk DeMicco,Chris Sanders.
Produced by:Kristine Belson,Jane Hartwell.
Screenplay by:Chris Sanders,Kirk DeMicco.
Story by:John Cleese,Chris Sanders,Kirk DeMicco.
Starring:Nicolas Cage,Ryan Reynolds,Emma Stone,Catherine Keener,Clark Duke,Cloris Leachman.
Music by:Alan Silvestri.
Cinematography:Yong Duk Jhun.
Editing by:Eric Dapkewicz,Darren T. Holmes.
Studio:DreamWorks Animation.
Distributed by:20th Century Fox.
Release date:February 15, 2013 (Berlin),March 22, 2013 (United States).
Running time:98 minutes.
Country:United States.
A prehistoric comedy that centers on the caveman Crug, who cautiously leads his family beyond his comfort zone after an earthquake destroys their home. While attempting to navigate the dangerous and unfamiliar world, Crug butts heads with a nomad, who charms Crug’s clan — especially his eldest daughter — with his (relatively) modern-minded ways.
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