Reality is a 2012 Italian drama film directed by Matteo Garrone, starring Aniello Arena, Loredana Simioli and Claudia Gerini. The narrative is set in the world of reality television, and follows a Neapolitan fishmonger who participates in Grande Fratello, the Italian version of Big Brother.The film competed in competition at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival and won the Grand Prix.The film was produced by Fandango and the director's company Archimede. It received co-production support from Rai Cinema and France's Le Pacte, and financial backing from Garance Capital. The 11-week recording began on 5 May 2011. Filming took place in Naples and Rome. The film had the production title Big House.
Directed by:Matteo Garrone.
Produced by:Domenico Procacci,Matteo Garrone.
Written by:Maurizio Braucci,Ugo Chiti,Matteo Garrone,Massimo Gaudioso.
Starring:Aniello Arena,Loredana Simioli,Claudia Gerini.
Music by:Alexandre Desplat.
Cinematography:Marco Onorato.
Editing by:Marco Spoletini.
Distributed by:01 Distribution.
Release date:18 May 2012 (Cannes Film Festival).
Running time:115 minutes.
a darkly comic look at Luciano, a charming and affable fishmonger whose unexpected and sudden obsession with being a contestant on the reality show “Big Brother” leads him down a rabbit hole of skewed perceptions and paranoia. So overcome by his dream of being on reality TV, Luciano’s own reality begins to spiral out of control.
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