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Blancanieves 2013 full free mp4 movies

Blancanieves is a 2012 black-and-white silent Spanish drama film directed by Pablo Berger. Based on the fairy tale "Snow White" by the Brothers Grimm, the story is set in a romantic vision of 1920s Andalusia.The film is intended to be an homage to 1920s European silent films. This film was Spain's 85th Academy Awards official submission to Best Foreign Language category, but it did not make the final shortlist.The film won the Special Jury Prize and an ex-aequo Best Actress "Silver Shell" Award for Macarena García at the 2012 San Sebastián International Film Festival.It also won ten Goya Awards, including the Goya Award for Best Film at the 27th Goya Awards.

blancanieves-poster__121216195006Directed by:Pablo Berger. Produced by:Ibon Cormenzana,Jérôme Vidal,Pablo Berger. Written by:Pablo Berger. Starring:Maribel Verdú. Music by:Alfonso de Vilallonga. Cinematography:Kiko de la Rica. Editing by:Fernando Franco. Distributed by:Wanda (Spain),Cohen Media Group (US). Release date:8 September 2012 (TIFF),28 September 2012 (Spain). Running time:90 minutes. Country:Spain,France. Language:No dialogue (Intertitles in Spanish).
Set in a romanticized 1920s Seville, Berger's Snow White is Carmen (Macarena García), the daughter of a famous bull fighter, who lives under the tyrannical rule of her monstrous, evil stepmother, Encarna (Maribel Verdú). She escapes and joins a troupe of bullfighting dwarves, where her beauty and natural talent in the ring attract notices from the press. But soon the news reaches Encarna, who at last she knows where to find Carmen, and she prepares for the final showdown.
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