Love and Honor is an upcoming romantic drama film directed by Danny Mooney. It is Mooney's directional feature film debut. The film, based on a true story of a Michigan soldier, takes place during the Vietnam War and is set in Ann Arbor and surrounding areas. The story follows a soldier who, after being dumped by his girlfriend, decides to return home secretly from war with his best friend to win her back.
Directed by:Danny Mooney.
Produced by:Chip Diggins,Patrick Olson,Eddie Rubin,Peter Pastorelli,Jim Burnstein,Garrett Schiff.
Screenplay by:Jim Burnstein,Garrett K. Schiff.
Starring:Liam Hemsworth,Aimee Teegarden,Teresa Palmer,Austin Stowell,Chris Lowell.
Music by:Alex Heffes.
Cinematography:Theo van de Sande.
Editing by:Glenn Garland.
Distributed by:Lighting Entertainment,IFC Films.
Release date:March 22, 2013 (USA)(Limited release).
Country:United States.
Budget:$7 million.
When Dalton, a young soldier in Vietnam, gets dumped by his hometown girlfriend Jane, he and his best friend Mickey decides to go AWOL and return to the States to win her back.The film set in 1969 during in Vietnam War, two charming and passionate young soldiers (Liam Hemsworth and Austin Stowell) will go to any length for love – even sneaking away from a war to fly halfway around the world. When Dalton Joiner finds out that his girlfriend Jane (Aimee Teegarden) has dumped him, he vows to go home during his one-week leave to win her back. His best friend Mickey Wright will do anything to help his buddy out – as long as there might be a few girls along the way. In just seven days they must get to the States, change Jane's mind and make it back to the war without getting caught. But when they arrive stateside they find Jane and her beautiful, committed activist friend Candace (Teresa Palmer) at the heart of the anti-war movement. Joiner and Wright must make some life changing decisions as they spend a week in July 1969 learning the truth about love, honor and commitment.
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